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Old 03-31-2017, 07:13 AM   #481
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Originally Posted by Copierguy0 View Post
Ask and you shall receive, here you go CB.
Did you forget how to use GOOGLE in your old age?



Forgotten...? Au contraire....googling websites such as "How to have a Bigger Penis" and other assorted porn links just takes up so much of my spare time, cg. Thanks for your help and the links, pal...I'll take some time out between the Final Four this weekend to catch up on things.
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Old 03-31-2017, 07:19 AM   #482
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Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer View Post
Thanks mystic,

Happy Hobbying!......there is the common thread to bring people of diverse opinions together.

PUSSY, Lets start there and work our way up, down and all around. Then take a break and do it again!

Lol. Perfectly said DFW. Its all fun. Thanks again for snapping me back to reality :-)
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Old 03-31-2017, 07:27 AM   #483
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
CB, I publicly apologize for personallay attacking you. I was wrong and will not do it again. I will continue to offer my opinion but I will be very diligent in basing it on facts. Im not sure any of us get that correct 100%, but I will make a legitamate attempt. Even though we have very diffirent political views, you are still my American Brother.
Apology accepted, Mystic.

I, too, make the same vow. Sorry I flew off the handle and retaliated....that's normally not my MO.

Your last sentence struck a chord with me.....(Hell would freeze over before it ever happened)...but I wish leaders of the House and Senate would stand strong, set aside party differences, and publicly announce those same sentiments.

The results could be amazing if everyone was pulling in the same direction rather than wasting time pulling our country apart.
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Old 03-31-2017, 09:37 AM   #484
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Originally Posted by Fishy2 View Post
You're not going to intimidate Trump voters by calling them stupid and racist. It's not going to work. I work with people that have law degrees, PhD's, doctorate degrees and masters. I have one of the degrees above. It's just not going to work. Many Trump supporters in that group. You won't gain credibility by making outrageous claims, "Trump is Hitler!" It actually undermines your credibility to an educated person because it is unfounded and clearly not accurate. If I was against Trump I would go after
Global Warming and protecting the environment
Showing compassion for our neighbours and new immigrants
The idea that you gather more bees with honey than vinegar and that we are all connected weather we are american or not.
If the democrats had an option better than Hillary or Bernie they would have easily won. Trump barely won against a very bad candidate in Hillary with a flawed record.
In four years I hope you guys have someone better than Bernie or Pocahontas (Warren)

There are lots of educated people who have very flawed or jaded ideas. There is no shortage of racist lawyers or holders of doctorals.

They may not be stupid and they also have valid reasons for supporting trump.

There is however, an insanely large population of people that voted for Trump who wanted him to repeal Obamacare and at the same time enjoyed their new found coverage on the ACA. They have no clue that they are one in the same. They have no clue that if Obamacare is repealed, they could possibly lose their coverage, not considering medicaid nuances.

How is that not the definition of stupid?

People say Trump is a good business man and that's why they support him. He has had 6 bankruptcy filings. That's the opposite of good at business.

You may say that filing bankruptcy doesn't necessarily mran some one is bad at business. You're not wrong. Hell, he might be great at making money off business models that have a limited lifespan and end in bankruptcy.

But 6 times!

He is going to Bankrupt the U.S?

Not seeing that working out.
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Old 03-31-2017, 11:05 AM   #485
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Originally Posted by Chateau Becot View Post
Apology accepted, Mystic.

I, too, make the same vow. Sorry I flew off the handle and retaliated....that's normally not my MO.

Your last sentence struck a chord with me.....(Hell would freeze over before it ever happened)...but I wish leaders of the House and Senate would stand strong, set aside party differences, and publicly announce those same sentiments.

The results could be amazing if everyone was pulling in the same direction rather than wasting time pulling our country apart.
Thank you CB. Who knows maybe more and more of us will start doing that. I certainly hope so as well. I appreciate your good spirit and natute. Have a great weekend :-)
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Old 03-31-2017, 01:02 PM   #486
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Originally Posted by grean View Post
There are lots of educated people who have very flawed or jaded ideas. There is no shortage of racist lawyers or holders of doctorals.

They may not be stupid and they also have valid reasons for supporting trump.

There is however, an insanely large population of people that voted for Trump who wanted him to repeal Obamacare and at the same time enjoyed their new found coverage on the ACA. They have no clue that they are one in the same. They have no clue that if Obamacare is repealed, they could possibly lose their coverage, not considering medicaid nuances.

How is that not the definition of stupid?

People say Trump is a good business man and that's why they support him. He has had 6 bankruptcy filings. That's the opposite of good at business.

You may say that filing bankruptcy doesn't necessarily mran some one is bad at business. You're not wrong. Hell, he might be great at making money off business models that have a limited lifespan and end in bankruptcy.

But 6 times!

He is going to Bankrupt the U.S?

Not seeing that working out.
I can out myself and say... I work medical.

Obamacare is wildly unpopular in the medical community.
healthcare is a commodity. It is not a right. It is expensive in the USA because we value it.
Rand Paul said it best when he said
"With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have to realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. It means that you’re going to enslave not only me, but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants who work in my office, the nurses."
Socialised medicine is a mistake.

The problem is that Healthcare has become politicised. It's a big problem because we can't afford to pay for other peoples healthcare. The US government wastes so much money. They waste it on every program they encounter. Military, VA benefits, healthcare. You name it and the government finds a way to make it more expensive.
Obamacare is falling apart. The insurance companies are already backing out of it.

Donald Trump is a certified Billionaire.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
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Old 03-31-2017, 01:46 PM   #487
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Random thoughts.
6 X's bankrupt - That means that 6 times DJT told the suppliers, banks and contractors of businesses 'unfortunately, I'm unable to pay you for the service or goods that I used' and six times that he caused financial stress and trauma for those who 'trusted' him. I can see circumstances causing someone to file bankruptcy once, twice tops. Six bankruptcies is habitual and fraudulent.

Healthcare - Had we not aggressively entered into war based on lies and deception from our Republican leaders, Americans could have been provided 'free' healthcare for years. I don't think that we should have 'free' healthcare as that would cause abuse and ultimately create a inferior healthcare system. But for those who think that it's a pipe dream, it's not if we change priorities. We spend more on our military than the next seven countries combined. So, when I hear about our depleted military from someone, I already know that person is a tool and watches too much Fox News.
In addition, democrats had to fight like hell against conservatives to get Medicare. From 1960 to 1995, elderly poverty declined from 35% to 10%. In large part, thank Medicare. We're all going to die, some of us will have a final illness that costs a lot of money. If you get dealt a bad health condition, it shouldn't cause you to spend your final years in misery. To provide a single payer system to those who aren't elderly is a natural extension of a program that works. All other developed economies have reached that conclusion. I don't want the government to be making Nike shoes, but there are parts of our society that the government is in a better position to provide service. I don't want the police and fire departments to be 'for profit' either, I'm just fine allowing those programs to be socialist.
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Old 03-31-2017, 01:48 PM   #488
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Commodity vs. Right.

I would say perhaps basic healthcare may be a right if the following is true. I do not know for certain so please correct me if I am mistaken.

If a person is in need of medical assistance and a doctor is near that person, say sitting at the next table of a diner when someone begins to have a heart attack, the doctor must help, correct? He can't just say I'm not working right now and leave,no?

Again I said basic.

The doctor is under no obligation to give an EKG or something more advanced to diagnose anything else. The heart attack could have been cause by some underlying genetic defect. The doctor doesnt have to test for anything like that. He must simply try to the best of his abilities with the tools at hand at the restaurant, to save the guys life.

After the emergency has passed the guy is on his own.

That's cold but I think that's how it works sans insurance.

If the doctor has to treat, doesn't that essentially make it a right?
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Old 03-31-2017, 02:45 PM   #489
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Originally Posted by grean View Post
Commodity vs. Right.

I would say perhaps basic healthcare may be a right if the following is true. I do not know for certain so please correct me if I am mistaken.

If a person is in need of medical assistance and a doctor is near that person, say sitting at the next table of a diner when someone begins to have a heart attack, the doctor must help, correct? He can't just say I'm not working right now and leave,no?

Again I said basic.

The doctor is under no obligation to give an EKG or something more advanced to diagnose anything else. The heart attack could have been cause by some underlying genetic defect. The doctor doesnt have to test for anything like that. He must simply try to the best of his abilities with the tools at hand at the restaurant, to save the guys life.

After the emergency has passed the guy is on his own.

That's cold but I think that's how it works sans insurance.

If the doctor has to treat, doesn't that essentially make it a right?
You are correct that a Doctor is held accountable for not performing life saving procedures if they are in the area during an emergency. That is the law of the land. That does not however mean that it is your God given right to receive healthcare. It has been made a right. The founders had it right when they said
Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
As an example...
Women could choose to have their child born in the home. The heaviest costs in healthcare are for Childbirth. If these mothers had their children at home it would cost nothing. The ability to go to the Doctor and have specialists and trained personnel looking over you is a luxury and not a right. They pay for that luxury.

Health care is neither "a necessity" or "a luxury"; it is "both" since the income elasticity varies with the level of analysis. With insurance, individual income elasticities are typically near zero, while national health expenditure elasticities are commonly greater than 1.0. The debate over whether health care is or is not a luxury good arises primarily from the failure to specify levels of analysis clearly so as to distinguish variation within groups from variation between groups. Apparently, contradictory empirical results are shown to be consistent with a simple nested multilevel model of health care spending
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Old 04-04-2017, 01:27 PM   #490
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Back on topic:
My humble prediction:
The odds of Trump getting impeached seem low, at least until after the midterm elections. After the midterm elections, if the Democrats get control back, the odds of Trump going into impeachment proceedings will increase significantly as more research on Trumps businesses, taxes, and dealings will be carried out.

Its still unclear whether Trump had any clue about the Russian election meddling, while his handlers may or may not have been playing a little Russian Roulette with Putin's henchmen. Regardless, if a solid link between Trump and Russian meddling is found or made convincing, Trump and his company's brand will be toast.

Another spin will be whether the Democrats and Republicans would collectively prefer ultra conservative Pence in Trump's place. At least we have an idea about what Pence stands for... (He is way to the right). Trump remains a Republican wild card. Heck, its not even clear that he is really a Republican. He seems to have his own political party.

For now, it looks like at least 3 years of Trump.... Probably 4.
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Old 04-04-2017, 01:39 PM   #491
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Originally Posted by IMN2U View Post

Heck, its not even clear that he is really a Republican.....he seems to have his own political party.

For now, it looks like at least 3 years of Trump.... Probably 4.
Yeah....even his own party has their doubts as to what he is.

I'm (still) sticking with my 2-terms projection. So put me down for 7 yrs / 9 months...

...and put the lyin' Susan Rice down for five-to-ten.
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Old 04-04-2017, 01:43 PM   #492
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Looking back over the posts in this thread, there is definately a general change in the way many here view (and write about) the ongoing presidency of Donald Trump.
The general opinion of Trump seems much lower now than at the beginning of this thread. Lots of doubts about him are being provided with more factual support and less emotional spin. Ijs.
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Old 04-04-2017, 02:30 PM   #493
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Originally Posted by IMN2U View Post
Back on topic:
My humble prediction:
The odds of Trump getting impeached seem low, at least until after the midterm elections. After the midterm elections, if the Democrats get control back, the odds of Trump going into impeachment proceedings will increase significantly as more research on Trumps businesses, taxes, and dealings will be carried out.

Its still unclear whether Trump had any clue about the Russian election meddling, while his handlers may or may not have been playing a little Russian Roulette with Putin's henchmen. Regardless, if a solid link between Trump and Russian meddling is found or made convincing, Trump and his company's brand will be toast.

Another spin will be whether the Democrats and Republicans would collectively prefer ultra conservative Pence in Trump's place. At least we have an idea about what Pence stands for... (He is way to the right). Trump remains a Republican wild card. Heck, its not even clear that he is really a Republican. He seems to have his own political party.

For now, it looks like at least 3 years of Trump.... Probably 4.

Do you think the Republicans can at this point save themselves from the midterms?
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Old 04-04-2017, 03:19 PM   #494
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Originally Posted by grean View Post
Do you think the Republicans can at this point save themselves from the midterms?
I think it is too early to guess. We have to get past 100 days. Then 6 months. Then a year. Then midterm campaigns. A lot is going to happen (or not happen) between now and midterms.

This is the most unpredictable, wealthiest, and inexperienced administration in US history. This administration has plenty of time to shoot itself in the foot and become lame OR hit a couple of home runs over the fence. And, this Republican administration's track record is certainly not looking like an organized baseball team yet.
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Old 04-04-2017, 07:39 PM   #495
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It's all good people. The (stupid) people have spoken. Twit head is our president lol. He has no fkn clue on how to be a commander in chief. His only concern is making his people more wealthy and covering up all the other bullshit. Who needs tax returns and leaks.

Now back to the Russians and tax cuts for the wealthy if he can actually withstand a vote. He will probably cut and run again and....blame every one else.
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