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Old 06-16-2017, 08:02 PM   #1
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Default Judicial Watch & Freedom Watch, Daily ...

Tom Fitton discusses Prosecution of Trump, Pursuit of Comey Memos, & Lawsuit over Obama Shakedown


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Old 06-17-2017, 08:39 AM   #2
Muy Largo
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Lots of self-serving, simplistic and appealingly articulated messaging here.
Judicial Watch has an agenda, and it crafts its messaging and perspective to serve its agenda.
No different than many of the liberal activist organizations.
Don't be fooled by their clean-cut presentation.
If you are seeking to develop an objective view of the state of this nation keep Judicial Watch in your view-shed, but never think of them as objective or reliably accurate. We need to understand that just as the NY Times, Rush, Sean, MSNBC, Greenpeace and FOX have agendas, so too does Judicial Watch. Most of us are outsiders to the hierarchy of decision-making and opinion-shaping. Trust no one. Develop an ability to logically question and second-guess everyone.
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Old 06-17-2017, 08:44 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Muy Largo View Post
Trust no one. Develop an ability to logically question and second-guess everyone.
You do realize it is Iffy you are replying to.

He trust everything pro Trump and he has about as much objectivity as Gloria Alrod at the Duke LaCrosse trial.
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Old 06-17-2017, 08:55 AM   #4
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"Everybody has an agenda is truism." The men who wrote the Constitution had one also.

The better expectation is ask for consistency and ask for evidence.
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Old 06-17-2017, 10:53 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Muy Largo View Post
Lots of self-serving, simplistic and appealingly articulated messaging here.
Judicial Watch has an agenda, and it crafts its messaging and perspective to serve its agenda.
No different than many of the liberal activist organizations.
Don't be fooled by their clean-cut presentation.
If you are seeking to develop an objective view of the state of this nation keep Judicial Watch in your view-shed, but never think of them as objective or reliably accurate. We need to understand that just as the NY Times, Rush, Sean, MSNBC, Greenpeace and FOX have agendas, so too does Judicial Watch. Most of us are outsiders to the hierarchy of decision-making and opinion-shaping. Trust no one. Develop an ability to logically question and second-guess everyone.
0zombies got the SADZ! fuckem!

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Old 06-17-2017, 01:04 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
"Everybody has an agenda is truism." The men who wrote the Constitution had one also.

The better expectation is ask for consistency and ask for evidence.
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Old 06-17-2017, 05:00 PM   #7
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Old 06-18-2017, 04:07 AM   #8
dilbert firestorm
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Old 06-18-2017, 08:08 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
"Everybody has an agenda is truism." The men who wrote the Constitution had one also.

The better expectation is ask for consistency and ask for evidence.
This.. I care not if the source is liberal, conservative or other.. IF THEY are consistent and have proof + verifiable sources (not just 'an unnamed anonymous source then it is good..
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Old 06-19-2017, 09:28 AM   #10
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Comey let Felonia von Pantsuit walk and he had all the evidence in the world. We either have rule of law or we don't.


If The Left Wins Their Soft Coup, Everyone Loses - But Mostly Them

Kurt Schlichter

You have to wonder how liberals think this works. So, a manifestly conflicted special counsel leading a pack of maxed-out Democrat donors decides Donald Trump has to be kicked out of office for “obstructing justice” regarding a cynical lie about him cavorting with the Kremlin and…then what? President Pence, until they do the same thing to him? Or do we just skip right to President Felonia von Pantsuit, shrug our shoulders, and give up on our foolish dream of having a say in our own governance?

Straightforward from here is…chaos.

Because normal Americans are woke to the scam. No, the affidavits of a zillion DC/NY establishment types attesting to Robert Mueller’s impeccable integrity – ever notice how the guy trying to hose us always has the establishment’s “impeccable integrity” merit badge – are not going to make us unsee the fact that he’s carrying water for an establishment that thinks we need to just shut up and obey.

Now, pulling off the soft coup is going to be harder than they think. The establishment has not thought this out. They sort of assume that if they squelch Trump then everything somehow just goes back to them being in unchallenged control. Wrong.

Mueller can’t indict Trump – that stupid Constitution, always getting in the way! No, the goal is for Mueller and his crack team of committed liberal activist lawyers to generate some head-shaking, tsk-tsk, more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger, report claiming Trump “obstructed” the probe into Hillary’s Trump/Russia collusion lie that even the liberals reluctantly acknowledge never happened.

But their problem is that impeachment is a purely political act – this isn’t going to get tried before some leftist DC judge and a 96% Democrat DC jury. No, they have to convince the Republican members of the House of Representatives to impeach and, well, have you taken a look at a political map of the US lately? It’s as red as a baseball field full of conservatives after a Bernie Bro shows up with a rifle.

Now, in the circle of jerks that is DC, congressmen are bombarded with the Trump obstruction narrative. Many neutered professional conservatives, eager to return to the old status quo where they sort-of mattered, are helping our enemies. Some of these congressmen are themselves Fredocons, weak and stupid, and are listening. Some might be swayed – except in a couple weeks they have to go home and be around normal people, and they’re going to hear something completely different.

Normal people aren’t falling for it.

Has anyone out there actually met a Trump voter who said something like this?

I supported Trump, but now I don’t because his refusal to passively sit back and let a Washington insider with an obvious conflict of interest and his Democrat staff drive him out of office on the basis of a Hillary-driven lie far outweighs Neil Gorsuch, pulling out of the climate scam, beating ISIS, and repealing Obamacare.

Yeah, no. Not a thing.

Even I, trapped behind enemy lines in deep blue California, have yet to hear anyone talking about this transparent coup, much less actually saying, “Yeah, we have to climb up on the Democrats’ altar and commit ritual suicide to please them.”

Congressmen fear their voters, and their voters – not the bused-in corps of aspiring baseball diamond shooters Soros cash pays to show up at townhalls to complain that they might have to pay for their own doctor like you and I do – are not going to accept this. No matter what Mueller’s report says, Trump is not getting impeached. Oh, and please, Democrats, make 2018 about impeachment. We yearn for the chance to yet again demonstrate to you that America is not MSNBC.

Now, that’s assuming Trump doesn’t fire Mueller, something he has every right to do under the Constitution - and should do based on this hack’s obvious corruption. The furor the media has threatened would follow in order to keep Trump from doing so will turn out to be yet another nothingburger. But if Trump doesn’t can him, Mueller and his team of committed Never Trumpers will claim the President obstructed “justice” for not hanging his head in shame over the Democrat lies. And that will go nowhere. Trump will never be impeached. And Trump will pardon any of his associates Mueller and his pack of cynical leakers tries to indict on whatever puffed-up, bogus charges they invent in order to justify this exercise in investigatory onanism.

And we should hope that’s how it ends.

Because what happens if the voice of half of America is effectively silenced by the DC swamp and its media guardians? The Tea Party was the first manifestation of the anger out there at the establishment. It was polite – it even cleaned up its own messes after its peaceful protests. The media, and the same alleged conservatives who saw the Tea Party as a threat to their own position because it caused donors to start asking for results instead of simply writing checks, attacked the Tea Party. Well, then we got Trump, who was not nearly as polite, and who took the White House fair and square from the designated establishment candidate. And now they want to use non-ballot means to make sure the normals’ choice is again ignored.

What do they think comes after Trump? Someone nice?

Do they think we stop demanding we be heard? Do they think we give up on participating in governing the country that we normals built, that we normals paid for, and that we normals fought for?

Oh well, we should have known not to get all uppity and try to have a say in our own country. Let’s let our betters rule us. Let’s obey.

No, that’s not going to happen. If liberals like chaos and even violence – and their *wink wink* denunciations of their own creature’s attempted conservative murder spree and their squealing delight in a high-profile play where the President is butchered onstage show they think they do – then the way to get chaos and violence is for them to succeed in their campaign of fascist, anti-democratic scheming against the guy who beat the harpy they nominated.

If you want real political chaos and real political violence, then just keep going down this path. You can’t light the fuse and not get the explosion. I saw what happens when you toss away the rule of law – don’t do it.

The hatred out there is real and growing. This is not a good thing – it’s a terrible thing. People are buying my novels about the country splitting apart and the horrifying specter of actual civil warfare (Hint: it’s ugly) because that’s where the establishment’s desperate schemes to hold onto power despite the will of the people, as manifested at the ballot box, all lead.

And the left is not ready for what its stupidity and greed could unleash. The establishment hacks think they can undermine the foundations of this country and not have it collapse on top of them. What progressives forget is that the rules, norms, and customs they ignore are not there to protect the normals, but to protect the weak and vulnerable elites who can’t go to their gun safe and choose from a half-dozen long weapons when things get real.

Here’s how this goes: If you end the rule of law, you begin the rule of power, and the rule of power means the folks with the most guns rule. Do they think the predominantly red state soldiers of our military are going to murder other Americans and risk their own lives to secure the unearned power of a bunch of Chardonnay-swilling liberals and their fakecon lackeys?

If they knew any soldiers, they would know the answer.

Before it’s too late and before you’ve done damage that can’t be undone, give up this dream of some extra-constitutional dues ex Mueller to overturn the election you lost. Turn away from this insanity before it’s too late, because straightforward from here is chaos.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

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Old 06-19-2017, 10:07 AM   #11
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JW Director of Investigations Chris Farrell is an expert on national security matters and intelligence operations. He was an Army Counterintelligence Officer and Special Agent who conducted counterespionage investigations, offensive counterintelligence operations and commanded both US Army’s two detachments charged with conducting physical, technical and aerial surveillance in support of counterintelligence and human intelligence operations. He is also a trained Clandestine Human Intelligence Case Officer.

He served three tours of duty in West Germany… and one tour at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. Chris is a graduate of the Military Intelligence Officers Basic and Advanced Courses … the U.S. Army Advanced Counterintelligence Training Course… the Combined Arms Services Staff School of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College… the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Military Operations Training Course… and the Haus Rissen Institut für Politik und Wirtschaft in Hamburg, Germany.

No one is more qualified than Chris to answer your questions about the Deep State.

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Old 06-19-2017, 10:33 AM   #12
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SLOBBRIN is the poster child for YouTube Red.

See if you can spot him in his natural habitat.

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Old 06-19-2017, 12:29 PM   #13
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Man some total douches there. AND as for those 3 gals who were spray painting/ruining all those items.. I SAY hit them with not only desstruction of property, vandalism and other charges, BUT make them PAY FOR IT ALL three times over!
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Old 06-19-2017, 08:18 PM   #14
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0zombies are SNEAKY!!!

Judicial Watch: Obama NSC Advisor Susan Rice’s Unmasking Material is at Obama Library



Judicial Watch:

JUNE 19, 2017

Records Sought by Judicial Watch May Remain Closed to the Public for Five Years

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that the National Security Council (NSC) on May 23, 2017, informed it by letter that the materials regarding the unmasking by Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice of “the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team” have been removed to the Obama Library.

The NSC will not fulfill an April 4 Judicial Watch request for records regarding information relating to people “who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.”

The agency also informed Judicial Watch that it would not turn over communications with any Intelligence Community member or agency concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election; the hacking of DNC computers; or the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials. Specifically, the NSC told Judicial Watch:

Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.

Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) April 4 request sought:

1.) Any and all requests for information, analyses, summaries, assessments, transcripts, or similar records submitted to any Intelligence Community member agency or any official, employee, or representative thereof by former National Security Advisor Susan Rice regarding, concerning, or related to the following:

Any actual or suspected effort by the Russian government or any individual acting on behalf of the Russian government to influence or otherwise interfere with the 2016 presidential election.
The alleged hacking of computer systems utilized by the Democratic National Committee and/or the Clinton presidential campaign.
Any actual or suspected communication between any member of the Trump presidential campaign or transition team and any official or employee of the Russian government or any individual acting on behalf of the Russian government.
The identities of U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.
2.) Any and all records or responses received by former National Security Advisor Susan Rice and/or any member, employee, staff member, or representative of the National Security Council in response to any request described in part 1 of this request.

3.) Any and all records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of any Intelligence Community member agency and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice and/or any member, employee, staff member, or representative of the National Security Council regarding, concerning, or related to any request described in Part 1 of this request.

The time frame for this request was January 1, 2016, to the April 4, 2017.

While acknowledging in its FOIA request that “we are cognizant of the finding by the Court of Appeals … that [the NSC] “does not exercise sufficiently independent authority to be an ‘agency’ for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act,” Judicial Watch argued:

The records sought in this request pertain to actions by the former National Security Advisor that demonstrate a much higher degree of independent authority than was contemplated by the court; specifically, the issuance of directives to the Intelligence Community related to the handling of classified national security information…

The recent revelations of the role of Susan Rice in the unmasking the names of U.S. citizens identified in the course of intelligence collection activities and the potential that her actions contributed to the unauthorized disclosure of classified national security information are matters of great public interest.

Judicial Watch has filed six FOIA lawsuits related to the surveillance, unmasking, and illegal leaking targeting President Trump and his associates (see here, here, here, here, here and here).

“Prosecutors, Congress, and the public will want to know when the National Security Council shipped off the records about potential intelligence abuses by the Susan Rice and others in the Obama White House to the memory hole of the Obama Presidential Library,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We are considering our legal options but we hope that the Special Counsel and Congress also consider their options and get these records.”

Now lets hear sundance's take over at The Last Refuge, theconservativetreehouse.com

Stunning Coverup Manuever – Obama NSC Move All Intelligence Unmasking Material To Obama Library To Avoid Sunlight…

Posted on June 19, 2017 by sundance
To understand the play at stake here, and the larger scheme to keep the Obama political surveillance from the sunlight of discovery, it is important to remember the only factually known illegal activity surrounding the entire Russian Election Conspiracy is:

A.) the illegal leaking of intelligence reports (Comey et al), or the weaponization of intelligence for political motives; and
B.) the illegal unmasking of names within U.S. intelligence reports by Obama White House officials (Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes), again for political motives.
The latest jaw dropping maneuver by the former Obama White House crew specifically targets how to cover-up the latter issue.

A FOIA request from Judicial Watch to the Obama NSC seeking information about the unmasking activities of National Security Advisor Susan Rice and the National Security Council receives a response that all documentation has been moved to the Obama Library.

The reason: All presidential library material is NOT subject to public scrutiny until FIVE YEARS after the administration ends.

(Via Judicial Watch) The NSC will not fulfill an April 4 Judicial Watch request for records regarding information relating to people “who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.”

The agency also informed Judicial Watch that it would not turn over communications with any Intelligence Community member or agency concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election; the hacking of DNC computers; or the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials. Specifically, the NSC told Judicial Watch:

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.” (link)

Calling it specifically what it is: this is nothing short of a strategy to hide discovery of the illegal political surveillance scheme carried out by the Obama intelligence community (Brennan, Clapper and Comey Inc.) during the 2016 presidential race.

In the matter of the first known illegal action, fired FBI Director James Comey is currently working his angles to hide his upper level FBI team’s involvement in the leaking of intelligence and FBI (counterintelligence) operations to the media. All of Comey’s current activity is clearly targeted toward accomplishing this goal.

In the matter of the second known illegal action, former Obama officials are clearly working to hide their use of the intelligence community to spy on political opposition. As we stated back in April the fingerprints of this action were clearly established.

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice only needed to confirm one aspect of the intelligence unmasking story for all of the dots to connect. She made that confirmation within two minutes of her interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

Read More--> https://theconservativetreehouse.com...t/#more-134598

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Old 06-19-2017, 09:51 PM   #15
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